Cuando era estudiante de la secundaria, publicaban solamente el Manga especializada”COM”.
Para que aquellos que estaban estudiando esa especialidad, para que algunos personas quienes quieran ser profecionales del Manga del Manga puedan enviar a la revista “COM”.
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My encounter with manga 32
I was expecting someone from the company to pick me up at Kichijoji station but no one came… so I left the station alone and went out hunting down the address, looking like a tourist in a new alien land, but eventually I got there!!continue continuación 続きを読む
My encounter with manga 31
I left the paper containing the new address in Tokyo, all this seemed kinda clichéd of the typical teenage run away from home boy…continue continuación 続きを読む
漫画との出会い 32
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My encounter with manga 30
I sent my original works which I had been drawing for a long time to the professional manga artist, who could become my future mentor… he changed his working place to newly published weekly magazines, and was looking for a new assistant…continue continuación 続きを読む
My encounter with manga 29
I was being to get into the habit of ditching class always… I just didn’t see it as all that important… it didn’t make sense to go to high school during the after noon just to slurp udon noodle and then fucked off so soon… high school is by no means just a diner for kids, you know that right?! Lolcontinue continuación 続きを読む
漫画との出会い 30
今まで描きためた原稿を、貸本漫画から雑誌へと仕事の場を移した南波健二氏に送った。アシスタントを募集していたからだ。continue continuación 続きを読む
漫画との出会い 29
だんだん高校へ行かなくなってきた。午後に登校して昼食をすませた後に下校するのでは登校する意味がない(高校は食堂じゃないつーの)continue continuación 続きを読む
My encounter with manga 28
I began to smoke and tried to pick up girls on the street, especially adult females, and begged them to treat me to cup of coffee or shit…continue continuación 続きを読む