
Almost the end of summer time…

My arms felt like they were burning because of the sun, while I was riding my motorbike… something feels strange this summer , its just too damn hot!Oc?-1.jpg

During the summer I always put on weight…. Most people loose weight during the summer because they don’t have much of an appetite… but I was different… and really, I wanted loose this weight because I was starting to feel the pressure on my knees and it was really starting to hurt! …

And my hair at this time is so short, like a skinhead… and if I put short trouser on myself I look like the Japanese surreal collage artist Yamashita Kiyoshi (whose image is wearing short pants, tank top, and skin head haircut!)
posted by 前田俊夫 at 20:45| Comment(6) | TrackBack(0) | english
Almost the end of summer time…: 前田俊夫オフィシャルブログ
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Posted by cyhtixwrsp at 2014年12月17日 22:17
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Posted by mcm スニーカー at 2014年12月18日 02:33
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Posted by ドコモ sim iphone at 2015年01月02日 13:00
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Posted by ラルフローレン 住所 at 2015年01月09日 08:27




