
Your days are numbered…

Its not about the human… its about the pussy cat!43.jpg

We had a guest recently… A woman from Chile who helps us translate manga into Spanish.

She mentioned that one of her acquaintances had 4 cats including 3 pussy cats…and they were going to put it to sleep with lethal injection because she couldn’t take care of it…so we decided to have one of them for our selves.

I cant say the circumstances around here are good for a cat… but its better to be here with people who will give it love than to killed and that would be the end of its life all together.

We are going bring that nameless cat home tomorrow. I was going to give it some silly name like noodles or something, but my wife declined it !

How about naming her like ` dog or horse or hairy pussy` or some daft shit?? I dunno
posted by 前田俊夫 at 19:44| Comment(9) | TrackBack(0) | english
Posted by gnrytggzsi at 2014年12月17日 23:05
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Posted by 靴 2013 春 at 2014年12月23日 07:10
Posted by エムシーエム 宮城 at 2014年12月29日 09:27
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Posted by サマンサ アウトレット 値段 at 2015年01月02日 10:45
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Posted by トリーバーチ 財布 アウトレット at 2015年01月12日 18:00




