
My encounter with manga 1

I can’t remember where it all began, but I do remember I started reading manga as young as around 4 years of age. Before I began elementary school I remember reading monthly manga magazines… the likes aimed at boys.

I was too young at that age to understand much kan-ji(Chinese character), but in the magazine they have hiragana subtitles next to the kanji within the speech bubbles.

This was the starting point from which I was able to learn reading kan-ji within manga…I found it both funny and educational at the same time, so I was reading hooked up with manga at that time… and I knew manga was going to an important part of my life, since it was consuming so much of my time.
posted by 前田俊夫 at 20:32| Comment(3) | TrackBack(0) | english
I too was a big fan of having the hiragana next to the Kanji when I first started reading manga! If it wasn't for that being there, I probably would have been overwhelmed by the language to the point of never wanting to study it again! For me, Manga has, and always will be, a vitally important source of study for me. I have learnt so many Kanji over the years just through reading Manga alone. In fact, these days I can even read a fair few kanji that even my Japanese wife can't read!

I think it just goes to show that whatever language you're learning, be it your own or a foreign one, the most important thing is to keep reading as much as you can whether it be Manga, Magazines, or Porn Mags! XD
Posted by ブレンダン at 2011年01月16日 11:25
Posted by さすらいマン。 at 2011年01月29日 23:20
I download and read porn stories in English from internet once in a while. Good thing about it is totally free ( not your right hand!)

Posted by toshio maeda at 2011年02月08日 17:59




